Marty’s Magazine Articles


During the 1990s and early 2000s I wrote a series of magazine articles, most of them for Father Hardon’s The Catholic Faith magazine, which alas has gone to magazine heaven. These are all of the magazine articles I still have:

Our Jewish Heritage
Covenant Morality
A Kosher Ham Finds Christ
Neutered and Feminized Language
A Spiritual War Primer
Thanks for the Fleas
Fishing for Men
The Shroud of Calvary
Why Jews Are Better Off in the Catholic Church Than in the Jews for Jesus
From Memory to Reconciliation
Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews
My God, My God, Why Have I Forsaken You

In addition, I have one article on the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association website, The Eucharist in Scripture.

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