
Rosary is a crown of roses. Each time we pray a Hail Mary we present Mary with a beautiful rose. Each time we pray a complete Rosary we present Mary with a crown of roses or a Mary Garden.

The Rosary is the most powerful prayer a Catholic can pray on his own. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is much more powerful even than the Rosary, but for that we need a priest and our parish church.

We are now approaching the climax of Satan’s century of enhanced power. Everywhere in what once was western civilization, national governments determined to take on all the powers of God and replace him as the organizing principle of our lives and the source of all that we need are approaching the point of apocalypse. Since 1973 the United States has killed a third of its younger generation in its mothers’ wombs. The diminished younger generation will now have to endure unsustainable debts, care for or cast aside the great number of aging men and women, and raise or cast aside the small children it continues to conceive.

Only minutes before the Miracle of the Sun, the Blessed Virgin identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary and told us to pray it every day. The Rosary, a mirror of our whole Catholic faith, consists of many beads all linked through one another to Rabbi Yeshua’s Final Sacrifice. Rabbi Yeshua told us that for obedience he would forgive debts even of ten thousand talents Mt 18:24. A single talent (coin) was equivalent to 6,000 denarii, or 20 years’ wages for a laborer. A denarius was a single day’s wage for a laborer Mt 20:2.

Radical transformation back to dependence on Rabbi Yeshua as the organizing principle of our lives and the source of all that we need will lead us safely home.

Also, National Catholic Register: Fatima’s October 13 Apparition has More Than Meets the Eye

The Rosary in the Spiritual War

Rosary: A Spiritual Weapon – Fr Ripperger 35:14

St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary 1:00:15
St. Louis de Montfort: The Secret of the Rosary 4:48:58

Fr. Don Calloway, MIC: The Rosary: Spiritual Sword of Our Lady 1:16:27
Fr. Don Calloway, MIC Fatima and the Rosary 41:17
Fr. Don Calloway, MIC, Champions of the Rosary 58:30
Fr. Don Calloway, MIC: The Rosary as a Spiritual Weapon 5:39

The Rosary in Scripture

The Rosary is deeply Scriptural, a Bible on beads. Catholics who love the Scriptures, as I do, often read the Scriptures that accompany the Joyful, LuminousSorrowful and Glorious mysteries, and then reflect on them as we go.

The Rosary in Gregorian Chant!

Complete Holy Rosary in form of Gregorian Chants 1:03:28

How to Pray the Holy Rosary


New Advent pdf
Dominican Fathers Rosary Confraternity


St. James Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel
A Catholic Jew Pontificates

Papal Documents on the Rosary

Most Important for Our Time

StJohn Paul II Rosarium Virginis Mariae
Cardinal Burke’s Commentary

Other Important Papal Rosary Documents

Magnae Dei Matris on the Rosary Leo XIII 1892
Ingravescentibus Malis on the Rosary Pius XI 1937
Ingruentium Malorum on reciting the Rosary Pius XII 1951
Grata Recordatio for Church, missions John XXIII 1959
Christi Matri the Rosary as a prayer for peace Paul VI 1966

Mass Homilies

Father Mitch Pacwa on Our Lady of the Rosary 24:25
Father Joseph Mary MFVA on Our Lady of the Rosary 19:53

Father Mitch Pacwa’s Holy Land Rosary

Joyful Mysteries 15:03
Luminous Mysteries 20:29
Sorrowful Mysteries 15:03
Glorious Mysteries 15:03


Brother Bob Fishman 4:00 / 9:00

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